After School Program

Want to do more than just get your kids tutoring? Want to make sure that their brain is trained and ready to learn? That’s what we do at our TheraPeeds after-school programs. Tutoring helps with learning subject matter, brain training changes thinking and learning skills so that your child can benefit from classroom and tutoring activities.

Our after-school program is an academic intensive focused on using the principles of neural plasticity and the H.O.P.E model to train the brain to learn. In this fun after-school program, we focus on creating new neuronal pathways by training your child intensively for 6 weeks to improve processing in a specified, focused area of the brain. To do so we offer two levels of programming: Brain Building and Brain Blasting

Brain Building

This level of the program focuses on facilitating increase neural pathways at the high levels of the upper brain stem to the midbrain areas. All clients entering this program must be evaluated to determine that this is the area of the brain that they need to engage for improved school functions.

Because of the level of deficit, these clients will have programming that includes:

  • Sensorimotor therapeutic activities
  • Auditory processing training
  • Cognitive-educational training

The expected goals for this program are improvements in:

  • Academic skills: Math, Reading OR Writing (pick one)
  • SM (Sensory Motor) development
  • Sub-cortical Auditory Processing
  • Self-esteem
  • Group dynamics

Brain Blasting Program

This level of the program focuses on facilitating increase neural pathways at the high levels of the midbrain to the cortex. All clients entering this program must be evaluated to determine that this is the area of the brain that they need to engage for improved school functions. Because of the level of deficit, these clients will have programming that focuses on sharpening the underlying cognitive skills necessary for higher level academic development and Speech and language skills (Pragmatics).

The expected goals for this program are:

  • Improvements in cognitive skills:
    • Sustained attention
    • Working memory
    • Long term memory
    • Processing speed
    • Logic & reasoning
    • Auditory memory
    • Visual processing
  • Improvements in academic skills: Math and Reading
  • Improvements in social pragmatics
  • Improvements in group dynamics

Limited spots and times available for our brain-focused after-school program. Students must be evaluated to determine the level of brain function for eligibility into this program. It is NOT open enrollment.

Contact us at to get more information on dates and times.